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Flesh and Acrylic - C.Madison1




This is the first part of a project I worked on last week. Featuring Caroline Madison: :iconcarolinemadison:

You can view the second part HERE

Update: Following several questions, let me explain a few points: I think Caroline's silhouette stands out more without the black lines on her body. Furthermore, the black paint I used was different and a bit toxic so I didn't want to put it on her skin. This image is only the first part of the project, the second part becomes completely abstract and a bit wilder... Certainly it's not recommended to cover your skin with paint repetitively, I first tried on several parts of my own body, no pain, no irritation... Caroline didn't have problems either. Acrylic paint is water-based so the majority of the substance is not toxic. Acrylic paints with cadmium can be harmful because of the heavy metals they contain. I use acrylic WITHOUT cadmium. Finally, Caroline is an exceptional model. She is a serene, passionate and determined person.

The above picture and other images from the "Flesh and Acrylic" series have been published in The Sun and The Telegraph in December 2011.

Prints of the above artwork now available!

Also purchase a bigger jpg version to have it as a wallpaper!

For more information about my works:

Ben Heine Art - Flesh And Acrylic - Chameleon by BenHeine  Flesh and Acrylic - Ozgur Ayyildiz by BenHeine

Second part:

Flesh and Acrylic - C.Madison2 by BenHeine 

Making & detail:

Flesh and Acrylic - Making 1 by BenHeine Flesh and Acrylic - Extra pics by BenHeine Your Hard Little Feet by BenHeine 

For the Sun Is Red

A poem by Peter S. Quinn

For the sun is red
...And day is unclear
In summer's color bled
When blooms are near
Your heart was still
With the rising sun
Of tomorrows fulfill
In life times on run

For her blood is red
In its own dripping way
In deep oceans bed
Where her billows play
With its beating time
Of the restless sea
Tides of weak and prime
Inside you will see

For love as aforesaid
In everything it need
Like sea bloom dragonhead
With lustrous fruits berried
So much of infinity truth
Of love and love making
Its bosom of unsullied youth
Never in love aching
Image size
900x613px 557.19 KB
© 2011 - 2024 BenHeine
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NewPlanetMike's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Absolutely perfect as is - from concept to execution. I would not presume to change a single thing. I especially like the high dynamic range of the nicely saturated colors. the perspective, and the shooting angle. Everything works, from the model's expression, her posture and the way her outstretched arms intersect with the color bands. The background of sky and clouds help to define this shot and don't detract from it. I see another version without the sky for those who prefer that. The artist knew what he wanted here and he got it. BRAVO. Please keep up the great work, Mr. Heine - I will enthusiastically follow your expanding portfolio.